Tuesday 8 January 2013

More about OUR project coming!

Finally, new posts!
I hope you'll enjoy them. If you have any comment or see any error, please let us know.

Also, expect more posts in the following days. They'll be coming up in rapid succession, and will be more focussed on our project instead of general programming topics. I do believe, however, that if we can keep up the quality of the Objective-C post (which is in my opinion a very easy-to-understand and clear introduction to programming in Objective-C), posts on more general topics aren't that bad either. Let us know in the comments what you think.
Finally, our project is meant to be understandable and a learning resource for people without prior programming experience. Keeping this in mind, we'll strive to be as in-depth as possible.
We've been working very hard on our project and this blog for the past few weeks, and sleep has not been a top priority :). So please, if you see a typo/error/bad grammar/catastrophic failure, please let us know in the comments.

P.S.  The content on this blog is copy pasted from our paper report on our project. It can therefore sometimes be oddly formatted. Our apologies.

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