Sunday 4 November 2012

What's this blog about?

Hi there!

Tanks (hahaha, I am so funny) for visiting our blog!

This is a page about mobile software development, specifically the development of Tank Rampage (working title). This post is here to give you a short overview of who we are and what will be on here. If anything isn't clear here, it will be explained in later posts.

So who are you?

We are Michiel Nelissen and Matthijs Rijlaarsdam, and we're developing a game for IPhone and Android. We're both high-school seniors, and this game is our finals project. 
Michiel is our Android expert. He will port our game from it's current IOS base to Android. He will also be part designer, part graphical artist and part maker of his own code that I will then port to IOS.
I'm the IPhone guy. I've made the game to it's current state (which isn't near finished) I've made the breaking effect of the game (I'll post more about this later), and some basic gameplay. I will also be designing and coding stuff.

What are you making?

We're making a game for mobile platforms; because time is short, we'll focus on phones. If we have enough time however, we will examine our options for tablets.

The game will be an endless side-scrolling game. You are the fearless commander of a tank that needs to stay ahead of a chasing missile. Hence you need to make haste. Whilst driving you will encounter buildings that you can drive through or shoot to tiny bits. Driving through the buildings will cost you lives. You need to shoot at strategic points and in smart ways in order to be quick enough to stay ahead of the missile. Your tank can be upgraded to have more armor, different weapons or to be faster. If we have enough time, we can add things like bossfights, planes and more awesome explosions.

The game uses cocos2d and cocos2d-x as its graphics engine and box2d ( as its physics engine. It also uses  the Levelhelper and Spritehelper ( as level designer and sprite sheet maker and their respective API's.

What will be posted here?

Coding explanations, software used, designing topics. Everything development related.

When is it finished?

We expect to release our app somewhere in January 2012.  After that, we will still release a number of updates, since this deadline will not give us time to implement everything we want.

Can I use your code?

Yes you can! All we ask in return is a link to either the AppStore page (if your product is an IOS product) or the Google Play page (if it's an Android product) in your product for your customers to see.

How about your artwork?

If you would like to use our artwork, please contact us by email.

How much will it cost?

As of now, Tank Rampage will be free and supported by ads. It will also include an in-game store for tank upgrades, bought with in-game money. Players will be able to buy extra in-game money through an in-app purchase. Any purchase will also remove ads.

We will post more updates and the first development topics as soon as possible, stay tuned for more!

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